In September, the first Creative Writing Course under the aegis of UNESCO City of Literature was launched. The project is addressed to people who want to gain literary skills from contemporary masters. For a duration of six intensive weekend meetings, participants developed their skills, experienced incredible meetings with prominent writers and gained a lot of useful knowledge about how to go through the whole publishing process and to break into a difficult book market.

Classes were conducted by leading Polish authors, including author of the cult crime thrillers Marek Krajewski, Wit Szostak, nominated for the Polityka Passport Award, and Izabela Szolc. Additionally, experts from the publishing industry shared their knowledge: Magda Dębowska of Karakter, who is an expert on copyright law; Filip Modrzejewski, regarded as one of the best editors in the country; Marcin Baniak, director of promotion at the Literacki Publishing House; as well as literary agents, a creative arts psychologist, and even a specialist on image building. The master class of the course was led by none other than Jonathan Franzen, one of the most prominent American writers.

The project drew great interest from the beginning. The organisers received more than 100 applications from all over Poland, and on the basis of the submitted stories selected the most talented participants. The determination and enthusiasm of students is evident in the fact that out of the fifteen participants half commuted to Krakow from Warsaw, Poznań, Łodź and Przemyśl.
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