As a part of the Conrad Festival, the Book Industry series of events, and especially ”The book: a high risk product” cycle, devoted to the mechanisms that rule the position of books on the market, attracted great interest. The discussions, attended by booksellers, publishers, editors, graphic artists and others involved in the publishing process, brought a fresh look at the situation of the book in our country. The most interesting points of the programme were meetings with Marcin Wilk leading the above mentioned event and the conversation with Magdalena Parys titled ”Germany: good practices”. Listeners of the debate ”Female translators” with Justyna Czechowska, Joanna Kornaś-Warwas and Katarzyna Krzyżewska learned about the specificity of work and professional dilemmas of those dealing with literary translation on an everyday basis.

“The Book Industry” series provided interesting proposals, especially those inspired by the solutions proven in other countries. We continue to work with the creators of the series and will develop this interesting project also outside the scope of the festival.